3 Bugeys and a Wagon

3 Bugeys and a Wagon
11/13/2010 - 5k Stomp Out Hunger: Immaculata Collge

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Burner in West Chester

Today was a little chili and rainy out, so I left the boys at home for this one.  5k race through West Chester, followed by post race refreshmentst at Barnaby's. 


Not a good time that I ran it in, but after a run the day before, followed by a full day of eating.....well, I guess it will just have to do.  There were probably about 200 people or so.  Nice 2 lap loop through West Chester (by the university).  Running at 9am sure beats shopping.

Brian's Run in a week!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

5k Turkey Trot - Downingtown, PA

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, Tommy Graham and I went out to Downingtown, PA to do the 5k Turkey Trot.  Met up with Chris Felix to do the run.  He had a cheerleading squad in Chrissy and Brandy.  I had a cheerleader squad with Niki, and my two sons Nathan and Christopher (who were also there to see their Uncle Phil).  The boys did not run, but they were there at the finish line.  Many thanks to Niki for bringing them.  A truly wonderful way to start Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Welcome to 3 Bugeys and a Wagon

Thank you Josh Myers, for all your guidance and inspiration in helping me set up this blog.  You truly are a gift from above.

Here are some pics from races that took place before this blog was created

WC Great Race 5k
myself, Brian Hall, Lilly Hall, and Bob Bonnes

5k Rustin Run - Rustin High School, West Chester, PA

Dub-C 4 Miler, West Chester, PA
Chris Felix, Bob Bonnes, myself, and Brian Hall

Great Neighbor Day 5k race - Downingtown, PA
myself and Nathan

FOP 5k race - West Chester, PA

ok, so we are brining up the rear, but is anyone else running with a wagon???  I don't think so.

Stomp Out Hunger - Immaculata College