3 Bugeys and a Wagon

3 Bugeys and a Wagon
11/13/2010 - 5k Stomp Out Hunger: Immaculata Collge

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sandy Hill Preschool 3rd Annual 5k Run

A nice Saturday morning run at a park in Coatesville for the Sandy Hill Preschool.  I thought I would take it easy since I have Broad Street tomorrow.

The Coatesville High School Marching Band getting in a little practice before the run

Just seeing "Pooper Scooper" in print gave me a chuckle

The run started off with a nice 1/2 mile downhill.  This sounds good in theory, but that means at some point, I was going to have to run back uphill.  Not looking forward to that.

Damn for the reservior

Damn for the reservior

Things I pondered while running:

1.)  This "Thor" movie coming out...is it me, or does it look really lame? 
2.)  Flyers/Bruins.  I really hope the Flyers win in four, and win each game 9-0
3.)  What the hell ever happened to Minnie Driver.  Did she fall of the face of the earth?  Was Good Will Hunting really 13 years ago? 

The run basically goes around this gorgeous lake.  Good scenery, but more importantly, lots of shade.

Post race refreshments

This was the finish chute.  They had the marching band playing as runners came across.  It was pretty cool.

All in all, a great race that I would do again next year.

Race bib


Friday, April 29, 2011

Broad Street Expo

So, I started the day off with a nice 3.5 mile run at Rustin High School.  I had plenty of things to think about from the night before.

The end of the Michael Scott era on "The Office."  It was phenominal.  Great episode.  The Office doesn't have a lot of serious moments, but they sure nail it when they do have them:

1.)  When Jim tells Pam he loves her
2.)  When Jim asks Pam out on a date
3.)  Jim proposes to Pam
4.)  Jim and Pam find out they are expecting
5.)  The wedding (boat on Niagra Falls)
6.)  Michael and Holly finally get together
7.)  Michael and Holly get engaged
8.)  Michael's goodbye to Jim
9.)  Michael's goodbye to Pam

Thats only 9 serious moments in 7 seasons, but they were all very memorable.

And then I had to reflect on the Eagles drafting a 26 year old OG.  Really, a 26 year old rookie.  Good pick guys!  (god damn Eagles)

Some of the pics that I did like...

1.)  Tennessee taking Jake Locker at #7.  Loved it.  Great fit.
2.)  Detroit taking Nick Fairley.  To go with Suh, that is now going to be the best front 4 in football.
3.)  Saints taking Mark Ingram...so long Reggie Bush (the most overhyped player of the last 10 years)


Onto the expo.

Opened at 10am this morning, and traffic was terrible.  They were charging $15.00 to park.  Well, there was no way I was paying that to go pick up a shirt and race bib, so I parked in a CVS on the other side of Broad Street and walked over.  It was probably a 1/2 mile walk, but a gorgeous day. 

On Sunday, I will make Broad Street my bitch!!!

Lincoln Financial Field.  The Expo was inside

Took some pics from inside the Linc of some of the surrounding sights

Wells Fargo Center

Citizen's Bank Park

Philadelphia skyline

Inside the Expo

The field iteself

Finally, the race goodies

race bib


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Farewell Michael Scott

3 days until Broad Street!!!

I woke up this morning and decided to do a nice long run:

"The Brian Bugey 7 mile run to celebrate Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure"

I headed over to Rustin High and did 4 laps around the cross country course (1.75 mile loop).  Perfect weather, and a great way to start off the day.

Well, tonight is the end of a remarkable era.  Michael Scott is leaving Dunder Mifflin.  I just started watching this show about 18 months ago, but got hooked very quickly.  I am glad that the show is not ending, but will be sad to see Steve Carrell leave.

So, some of my favorite quotes:

Worl'ds Best Boss (that he bought at Spencers)

There are 5 stages to grief which are…[reading from computer] Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. And right now, out there, they are all denying the fact that they’re sad and that’s hard and it’s making them all angry. And it is my job to get them all the way through to Acceptance and if not Acceptance then Depression… If I can get them depressed, then I’ll have done my job.

I don’t understand. We have a day honoring Martin Luther King, but he didn’t even work here.

You spend your whole life trying to get people to like you and then you run over one person with your car – not even one of the popular ones – and everybody gets on your case. Doesn’t make any sense.

Yes, I was the first one out. And yes, I’ve heard “women and children first.” But, we do not employ children. We are not a sweatshop, thankfully. And women are equal in the workplace by law. So if I let them out first, I have a lawsuit on my hands.

Inventory is boring. In the islands they don’t make you do stuff like take inventory. Why do think so many businesses moved to the Caymans?

Wicka Wicka Wicka What?

When I said that I was king of forwards, you got to understand that I don't come up with this stuff. I just forward it along. You wouldn't arrest a guy who was just passing drugs from one guy to another.
I donno I think I have done absolutely everything you can do to prepare for the day. I've updated our contacts, I have gotten quotes from supplies, I have sent out an e-vite, for our big, grand opening pancake luncheon. Six yes's, one maybe, only eleven no's. And seven hundred and eighty-eight not-yet-replied's but! Of that group, seven hundred and eighty-two have viewed it.

[to Karen] Wow, you are very exotic looking. Was your dad a G.I., or...?

[in a straight jacket] I cannot tell you how I plan to escape, other than by using magic. That is the magician's code. Seperately on an unrelated note, if you happen to find a small, brass key...

Okay. This is it. This is exactly what Michael Moore does. Famous documentor. He goes up to people with a camera and he's like 'Why did you do this? Why did you pollute? You are bad. Bad person.' It's very dramatic. Oh I can't say I was a big fan of 'Bowling for Columbine', because I thought it was going to be a bowling movie like Kingpin. And it wasn't. It was something else.

Webster's Dictionary defines 'wedding' as 'the fusing of two metals with a hot torch.' Well you know something? I think you guys are two medals. Gold medals.

"Hey Goldenface....GO PUCK YOURSELF!!!"

Michael Scarn - Threat Level Midnight

The most sacred thing I do is care... Today I am in charge of picking a great new healthcare plan. Right? That's what this is all about. Does that make me their doctor? Um, yes. Like a specialist.

Today will either be the best or the worst day of my life. Holly gave AJ an ultimatum. He either proposes by New Year's or they break up. Now, if she's engaged, I'm gonna go crazy, and I'm gonna start attacking people. If she's not engaged, in all honesty, I may just burn this whole place to the ground out of happiness. Either way, I am going to need some talking down. And nobody talks me down like myself in a video talking me down.

Myth: Three Americans every year die from rabies. Fact: Four Americans every year die from rabies.

Pizza. Great equalizer. Rich people love pizza, poor people love pizza, white people love pizza, black people love pizza... do black people like pizza?

Close your eyes. Picture a convict. What's he wearing? Nothing special. Baseball cap on backward, baggy pants. He says something ordinary like, 'yo that's shizzle'. Okay, now slowly open your eyes again. Who you picturing? A black man? Wrong. That was a white woman. Surprised? Well shame on you.

We can't overestimate the value of computers. Yes, they are great for playing games and forwarding funny emails, but real business is done on paper. Okay? Write that down. [whole class types it on their laptops]

Todd Packer and I are total B.F.F.: Best Friends Forever. He and I came up together as salesmen. One time we were out and we met this set of twins and Packer told them that we were brothers. And so, you know, one thing led to another; we brought them back to the hotel and then Packer did both of them. It was awesome!

An office is as safe as the people in it. And sometimes those people can drive you to crazy things to show the dangers of the office. That's the danger I found myself in today. I saved a life. My own. Am I a hero? [pause] I really can't say, but yes.

You cannot take the hilarious black guy from the office. Stanley is part of what makes this branch extraordinary. The blusy wisdom, the sassy remarks, the crossword puzzles, the smile, those big watery red eyes. I don't know how George Bush did it when Colin Powell left.

You don’t call retarded people retards. It’s bad taste. You call your friends retards … when they’re acting retarded

If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Valley Forge Revolutionary Run/Walk

A very windy day in Valley Forge National Park, I decided to do something different for this one.  I signed up for the 3 mile WALK (not the 5 mile run).  Since I started running a year and a 1/2 ago, I have not walked any races on my own.  Thought I would give it a try.

Here are the post race refreshments waiting for us.  Bananas, Bagels, Pizza.  Good stuff!

And of course Jim Herr made his donation.  I was a little disappointed because these were all the "healthy" products.  Didn't see the blue or red bag for me.  Oh well.

The Best Western Car.  Not sure why I took this picture, but I did.

and of course, the Harleys

Went inside to check out the Visitor's Center. 

Just some of my favorite GW quotes:

1.) Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
2.) Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
3.) My observation is that whenever one person is found adequate to the discharge of a duty... it is worse executed by two persons, and scarcely done at all if three or more are employed therein.
4.) To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.
and my favorite:

5.) It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.

Back for the start of the race.  The National Anthem

I have no idea how many people ran the race, but there had to be over a thousand runners.  The walkers started 5 minutes later (200 walkers).  It was windy, but aside from that it was a gorgeous day.

The walk was a 3 mile out-and-back walk.  The first thing we pass is a bunch of log cabins

About 3/4 mile mark in the race, is the big arch.  The inscription at the top reads as follows:

Naked and starving as they are
We cannot enough admire
The incomparable Patience and Fidelity
of the Soldiery (George Washington)

(Someday, I am going to actually figure out what that meant...but it does sound inspiring)

More log cabins at the turnaround

The walk back was cool, because the path actually walks through the arch.

It was pretty cool to see the flag on the other side.

This picture of the flag was taken in the arch

The cannon is pretty cool, but the 20 port-a-potties in the background make this picture a classic

It was fun to just take a walk (and not run).  Next year, I will be sure to do the run, cause the 5 mile route seemed like it was awesome. 

Race bib

Goodie bag that I filled with bananas, water bottles, and popcorn

The dull yellow tee shirt

Sunday, April 10, 2011

5th Annual 5k Muzzy Run

5th Annual 5k Muzzy Run  - Struble Trail in Downingtown, PA.

I did this one with just Nathan.  Chris was sound asleep when we left.

I have to admit, I feel like an ass about this one.  I signed up for this run because it was only $15.00 and on Struble Trail.  It was a nice flat run, and easy to pull a wagon on.  However, I had no idea what the run was about.  So, after the run, I did the research.


Terry Muzzy, the Student Assistant Specialist for the Downingtown School District, was killed tragically in an automobile accident early in 2006. During his 16-year tenure, Terry--who was affectionately known as "Muz"--counseled students through a variety of personal crises, saving lives in the process.  Terry’s tireless efforts influenced countless teens and families sparing them the devastation of drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and other life endangering events. Through his kid-first mentality and immutable character, Terry made sure that each student received the help they needed when they needed it.  As the founder of LINK, a leadership program at both Downingtown High School campuses that ties together different social groups within the high school community, Terry worked with teens to lay a common foundation for harmony and acceptance in order to create a positive and welcoming school environment.  Combining his compassionate and insightful nature with his delightfully idiosyncratic sense of humor, Terry made more colorful the lives of everyone he touched.  His limitless energy supply made his person and his message ubiquitous throughout the District.  An avid runner, Terry enjoyed jogging nearly every day after work with his beloved dog, Buddy. 

The Ponds at Struble

Nathan wanted to go across this little bridge before the run.  If he fell in the water, it would have been a short morning, as we would have had to leave.

XL shirt fits me fine, but Nathan wanted to try it on.

In the eyes of a 4 year old, any automobile that has flashing lights is just awesome.

Nathan getting ready for the race

and we are off....a very narrow trail

So this was an easy out-and-back course.  Ran 1.55 miles out, and then just turn around and run back.  With about 20 yards to go, I pulled Nathan out of the wagon so he could run across the finish line.  However, he wanted to run across the finish line while pullling the wagon.  It was pretty cool.

Post-Race.  Nathan still wanted to pull the wagon

Finally, the bib

and the shirt

and another pic of the shirt, but this was actually taken by Nathan