3 Bugeys and a Wagon

3 Bugeys and a Wagon
11/13/2010 - 5k Stomp Out Hunger: Immaculata Collge

Sunday, March 13, 2011

12th Annual Kelly's Logan House 5k - Wilmington, DE

After doing 2 runs yesterday, I wasn't quite sure what I was in the mood for today.  The run was at 12:30pm, but I had volunteered with registration (in exchange for free entry into the race) so I had to be there by 11am.  I decided to do this run with just Nathan (and Chris stayed at home with Grammy and Grampy).  Our job at registration was to pass out the tee shirts for the race for people who were just registering that day.  Nathan was on his best behavior, and had a blast doing this

Prior to the race, I ran into a buddy of mine from MEI, Greg Pollock.  Greg is one of the nicest people I have ever met.  Truly a good person.  However, he did beat me twice this past year in fantasy football, and for this I hope that his soul rots in hell after he gets hit by a Mac truck.  It was good to see him.

So, we head over to the starting line, Nathan in the wagon

and we saw a train in the other direction, so Nathan told me to take a picture (he is going through that train phase, which is pretty cool)

OK, so we are getting ready to start, when Nathan says "Hey Daddy, I don't want to sit in the wagon.  I want to run."  He had been so good all day, that I couldn't say no, even if it meant I had to pull an empty wagon.  That was all fine and dandy, until Nathan said "Hey Daddy, I want to pull the wagon."  Oh boy, this is going to be interesting. 

And we are off.....meaning Nathan is pullling an empty wagon

He must've ran like this for 3/4 of a mile.  It was really cute.  I guess he wanted to be like his daddy.  After 3/4 of a mile though, he was out of steam, so I put him in the wagon and pulled him the rest of the day.  I just walked it, didn't run this one.

Here is a great picture of Greg Pollock passing us on the way back.  It proves that I am as good a photographer as I am a runner  
(that is Greg's should in the bottom right shot of the pic)

Finally, came up on the finish line after 53 minutes:

Here is Nathan with a pretzel after the race

and with some pizza for the car ride back to West Chester

Overall, an oustanding time (especially since it was free of charge).  There were 473 finishers, we finished 469.   

Here is the tee shirt and number:

front of shirt

back of shirt


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