3 Bugeys and a Wagon

3 Bugeys and a Wagon
11/13/2010 - 5k Stomp Out Hunger: Immaculata Collge

Friday, November 18, 2011

Philly Marathon - Race Expo

I took the boys down to the Race Expo.  Sat in about an hours worth of traffic on I-76.  Always fun to do on a Friday night.

The great thing about the Expo, is they have a kid's area.  This made the whole trip worth it.

Make your own bandana

and face painting


Here are some of the goodies that came with registration


long sleeve shirt - front

long sleeve shirt - back

70 page race guide


Also, earlier in the day, there was a chat with Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock.  Jason (jokingly) refers to himself as the race expert.  He hates racism, but also hates it when racism is used as a crutch or excuse.  He has never shied away from talking about race, and feels if people would not be afraid to discuss it, then we can move forward getting past it.  So, all the questions he was getting for football related (Aaron Rodgers, Tim Tebow, blah, blah, blah).  So, I figured I would throw something different at him.  Something that I have always wondered about, and that I knew Jason would give an honest answer:

I have been a huge fan of the Dave Matthews Band for 15+ years.  This was my question to Jason:

"The Dave Matthews Band originally consisted of 3 black guys and 2 white guys. Why don't more black people listen to the Dave Matthews Band?"  - Brian Bugey to Jason Whitlock

And sure enough, he responded:

"Not our kind of music. Generalizing. But we like R&B.... Although I love Bon Jovi... one of my all-time favorites. Slippery When Wet." - Jason Whitlock's answer.

I thought it was cool that he answered that.

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